![]() 04/08/2020 at 13:56 • Filed to: bernie sanders, Politics | ![]() | ![]() |
BBC News - US election 2020: Bernie Sanders suspends presidential campaign
![]() 04/08/2020 at 14:01 |
Ladies and Gentlemen, we got him
Never forget
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It’s creepy PMY Vette uncle!
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I love living in a perennial swing state that never gets to cast a meaningful vote in the primaries.
Democrats: “Securing victories in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Georgia will be crucial to taking back the White House “
Also Democrats: “Fuck those states, they’ll vote for whoever we tell them to vote for. We don’t want their input.”
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Wait until he learns that Armenians still exist
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I’m pretty sure Bernie will still be on the ticket. TBH, in 2016 I voted for Bernie in the primary because Hilary wasn’t taking multiracial support seriously enough IMO at that point.
...seems to have worked out...on Opposite Day.
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Time to decide which rapist you want to vote for.
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Well it was nice having an option without any sexual assault allegations while it lasted.
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Even before coronavirus, my state (PA) was still 20 more days away from the primaries. Now it has been pushed back to the summer. As a Pennsylvanian, I have no incentive to pay attention to the months of debates and earlier primaries, since everybody drops ou t before my state has a chance to vote.
There is no good reason for such a lengthy primary season to still exist in 2020.
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It’s funny that we’re losing the socialism choice at a time when everyone is praying for socialism to save us in a pandemic.
Wait....not funny, something else
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Welp, it feels like 2016 all-over again. The Bernie Bros are losing their shit right now. Unless Biden offers a Cabinet spot to him in his proposed administration ASAP, WE ARE FUCKED!!!
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Indiana’s primary was scheduled for Cinco de Mayo* but has been moved to June 2nd.
*Drinking & Voting would have been...fun.
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bernie bros are a social construct
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I REFUSE to use acknowledge that song. I’m solidly T eam Coulier since day 1.
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i dunno if this is possible but what if everyone did the write-in thing and he still won
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Dude, dude, dude, WHOA!... remember, we're talking about 'Muricans here
![]() 04/08/2020 at 14:44 |
Heh. No worries. Out of 325M Americans, I’m certain the party has selected the most qualified, most electable candidate to be their standard-bearer, especially with four full years to get their act together, their priorities aligned and their strongest candidates out in front.
Oh, wait, a minute. WHO is the nominee??
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^ This reply was to the wrong post. Whoops.
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It’s also amazing how we are turning away from dropping nuclear bombs, even though we used dropping nuclear bombs to stop fascism .
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Not enough of us are smart enough to do it to the point that it undercuts TrumpsterFire voters.
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... it's never too late
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I think the next version of world politics (no matter what the party) is already going to inherently resemble “selective socialism” to the point that Bernie is no longer differentiated enough.
Then his supporters can wear hipster-style “I liked socialism way before it was cool” t-shirts.
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The split will be between “I will vote for socialism” vs “I will drive a tank though the streets of Budapest for socialism. ”
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Pretty sure we also used socialism to stop fascism.
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We did, but then they went and built a wall and everything went to pieces
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The Dems are opting for a “fight fire with fire” approach. The only way to defeat a rambling, old, out of touch white guy who has been accused of sexual assault is with your own rambling, old, out of touch white guy who has been accused of sexual assault.
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bernie bros are a social Russian con struct
![]() 04/08/2020 at 15:25 |
Well at least the polls say the “right old white creepy guy” can win, and the polls have never been wrong— so I’m sure it’s OK.
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he also has to be registered as a write in candidate. Everyone always forgets about the “registering” a write in candidate.
Makes a lot more sense to vote for crazy uncle joe if you don’t want another 4 of trump.
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actually if he wants to try and lock down the full dem vote he’ll ask bernie to be VP
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So far, the most compelling reason I’ve heard as to why I should vote for Biden is “you aren’t voting for Biden. You’re voting for Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s replacement.”
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IKR, but I’m sure Biden and/or the DNC will think otherwise. 2016 wasn't a good enough lesson.
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if it was a good enough lesson bernie and biden wouldn’t have even been in the primary .
And i’m sure they won’t give bernie the vp spot, they will probably ( smartly) diversify and get a non old white dude.
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uncle touchy
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Heh. Hey, I WOULD subscribe to your newsletter. You’ve got a pretty good handle on this stuff.
I’m surprised RBG’s hung in there, but I’m sure the Speaker of the Senate might have a different view on “no new SCOTUS nominees considered in an election year” THIS time around.
I’ll be watching, with great interest, who the Veep nominee is. High, high likelihood of “getting the call”.
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get a non old white dude.
Is this supposed to be a sarcastic “not old, but still a white dude” or a not sarcastic “not old, not white, not a dude”? I honestly can’t tell, but either way it works lol
![]() 04/08/2020 at 16:00 |
Can’t say I’m surprised. It’s been clear for the past couple of weeks that Biden was gonna be the winner.
One think that did surprise me in all of this is how bad Bloomberg did. When I heard he was entering the race, I thought he would do much better than he did.
![]() 04/08/2020 at 16:06 |
Considering this is the presumptive Democratic nominee, I think it’s safe to say Trump is now running unopposed:
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lol, it meant someone that wasn’t bernie, biden or trumps exact demographic. Any combination other than a white, male, senior citizen would be a smart way to mix up the ticket.
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Nah, we used fascism to stop fascism. Stalin was no more a socialist than Hitler was. Even though * both* of them claimed to be ( N azi party = “ National Socialist Party” ).
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Yeah I’m not super psyched about Uncle Joe myself either, but for the folks now threatening to stay home/vote 3rd party (TONS of Bernie fans I know currently doing this on my newsfeed) - what universe do they live in where there is apparently *literally* no difference between voting for Trump vs. Biden?
I can’t even get my head around the level of blind privilege (or sheer ignorance/stupidity) one must have to believe this to be true.
For a group that loves to make jokes about how stupid Trump voters are that’s pretty ironic.
Also as far as words go, Biden’s medium post after Bernie’s announcement was a pretty good olive branch, I thought. Plus I’ve heard the two have a pretty good personal relationship so here’s to hoping it won’t be a 2016 v2.0
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I hope whoever he picks is at least two for three of not old, not white, not a dude. And that they are from the progressive wing of the party, they need an olive branch to the Bernie supporters as well.
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Biden pledged to appoint a female VP during one of the last debates. It would be interesting to see Bernie have a cabinet job, although I’m not sure where he would fit best.
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![]() 04/08/2020 at 17:29 |
I think the term you’re looking for is totalitarians, because the Soviets definitely weren’t fascists. The purported end game for communism was socialism. The Nazis were trying to attract the gullible.
![]() 04/08/2020 at 18:12 |
Now we’re getting in to “ how many angels (or devi ls, in this case) can dance on the head of a pin” type discussions :-) .
I’d argue that Stalinist R ussia 100% w as fascist.
As I unders ta nd it ba sed on checking various dictionary de finitions, the defi ni ng characteristics of fascism as opposed to any other flavor of totalitarianism a re basically that it’s right wing and nationalist/ rascist.
The right wing part of that is a red herring, since there’s really no definition of right wing that includes fascism but excludes other types of totalitarianism and isn’t self-referential. B asically politics is a circle - if you go far enough left or far enough right you wind up in the same place.
As to nationalism/rasc ism, Stalin e ra R ussia indulged in ethnic cleansing of eastern Europeans and north Asians at a level Hitler hi mse l f would have been proud of.
I also think “purported” is the key word in your statement about the Soviets’ end game. Lenin and Marx may well have been believers, but by Stalin’s time it was all about maintaining and consolidating his own power . N o different to Hitler, really.
![]() 04/08/2020 at 18:40 |
Nah, I’m calling bullshit on this stupid meme of yours. Cite your sources if you’re sharing images, don’t trust everything you see on the internet and whatnot .
Here’s the transcript from this interview and the part you’re referring to above copied below - https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/week-transcript-20-joe-biden-secretary-mark-esper/story?id=69981088
STEPHANOPOULOS: And does that hold for the convention as well? If — are you open to the idea that — it just may not be possible to do the convention in August?
BIDEN: Well, we’re going to have to do a convention, may have to do a virtual convention. I know — I think we should be thinking about that right now. The idea of holding a convention is going to be necessary, but we may not be able to put 10,000, 20,000, 30,000 people in one place and that’s very possible. Again, let’s see where it is.
What we do between now and then is going to dictate a lot of that as well. But my point is that I think you just got to follow the science. Listen to the experts. Listen to the Faucis of the world. And if that’s the case, it’s the case.
But we cannot let this — we’ve never allowed any crisis from a Civil War straight through to a pandemic in ‘17, all the way around, in ’16, we have never, never let our democracy take second fiddle, we can both have a democracy and elections and at the same time protect the public health.
But I think it’s time we start thinking about how we’re going to hold elections, whether we’re going to have to spend a lot of time figuring whether we do — is it going to mostly be by mail, which is not the preferred route for everyone — how are we going to do that? How are we going to make it available to everybody?
Sure, that paragraph on it’s own is somewhat ju
mbled but it’s pretty clear what he’s trying to say if you take it in context.
Also if you’re trying to find the most senile word salad I certainly agree that our current president can go head to head with Uncle Joe on this one. So no, he’s not running unopposed.
![]() 04/08/2020 at 19:28 |
Politics is getting rather predictable. I called Trump getting two terms back in 2016. After that it’s going to be 8 years of a Democrat, then 8 years of Re publican again, then 8 years of a Democrat, and you get the point. Wake me up when something interesting happens.
Also, I’m tired of the partisan ship and lack of standing for something on both sides. They both just do whatever the other doesn’t without thinking. When will we think for ourselves?
![]() 04/08/2020 at 19:28 |
If you completely ignore the economic differences between fascism and communism, then yeah, they become pretty similar when you put a totalitarian in charge. No argument from me there.
Outside of the economics, a lot of the differences were just rhetoric. Hitler trying to unite and create an “Aryan” (bullshit) nation (nationalism and racism), and Stalin trying to unite the workers (bullshit) under one worker controlled (bullshit) state , regardless of nationality (meaning if you stand in our way were going to starve you)
I think history has shown that Europeans are gonna racism no matter what political system they currently have.
As for Lenin, that guy was pretty totalitarian from the get-go. Just ask Trotsky.
![]() 04/08/2020 at 20:06 |
Europeans People are gonna racism no matter what political system they currently have.
FTFY :-). It ’s not like they’ve exactly got a monopoly, just a sk any eth nic group in the world who’s a local mi nority where they live.
T here’s a whole discussion to be had on the economics as well - t he USSR has never operated on anything even vaguely approximating t he economics Marx envisioned , and on the other side Nazi Germany wasn’t exactly free-market capitalism in action either . One could put up a pretty decent argument that the economic model of any totalitarian state is going to c onverge to some variation on f eudalism eventually, whatever the rhetoric which dresses it up.
![]() 04/08/2020 at 20:21 |
The Euros have been the most successful in their racism. You sitting in NZ and me sitting in North America both writing in English are pretty good examples of that. Obviously there are racists everywhere. No one else conquered the world.
You seem to think I’m comparing communism to socialism and fascism to capitalism. I’m not. I’m comparing totalitarian versions of communism and fascism to each other. While similar, they aren’t the same thing. Those differences might not make too much of a difference, but saying they are the same removed the nuance from history, and leads to a dumbing down of society.
![]() 04/08/2020 at 21:10 |
No, I understand what you’re comparing. I just disagree (for “talking shit on oppo” values of disagree) about the idea that emphasising their differences adds nuance to history. In the discus si on above, capitalism only ca me into it in the context of economic models, as distinct from so ci al ones. Certainly how the countries in question got to their respective totalitarian states is vastly different and needs to be understood and remembered, but in my view treating the political systems they became as distinct things rather than just flavors of each other just disguises their similarity and leads to a misguided emphasis on capitalism vs socialism as opposed to democracy vs totalitarianism as driving forces in history.
S ee, for exa m ple, your ori ginal statement that we used socialism to stop fascism, which while made in humor reflects the generic western ( and especially US) view that socialism = communism = totalitarianism = BAD whereas democra c y capitalism = GOOD . Actually I’d agree that we used socialism to stop fascism, but on ly in the sense that the wartime politics and econo mics of both the US and UK operated on a basis that was way closer to socialism than any thing either country has had before or since.
And as to Euro p eans being the world’s most successful racists (not that I think racism is particularly connected to empire building -it’ s greed and fear of you r neighbo urs which drives that ), I think you don’t give enough credit to the Mongol , Arab , and Chinese empires at their peaks - the Europeans only really covered more ground bec au se they were last out of the gate and therefore worki ng with more modern technology which allowed them to scale better.
Speaking which, ever read Jared Diam ond’s “Guns, Germs and Steel”? It’s a really good explanation of the history of th e w orld p urely from a perspective of the knock-on effects of the unequal distribution of Earth’s natural resources (e.g. depth at which metal ores are found , number of different grain crops endemic to a region , etc).
![]() 04/08/2020 at 21:14 |
Define what you would refer as “interesting”?
As for thinking for ourselves...welp TBH, it doesn’t bring in the financial windfall of donations nor pays the bills.
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Something less predictable. Somebody who is actually concerned about the people instead of an agenda or funding or partisanship or building a Washington career. Somebody like the Founding Fathers hoped would run.
![]() 04/08/2020 at 22:36 |
“ See, for example, your original statement that we used socialism to stop fascism, which while made in humor reflects the generic western (and especially US) view that socialism = communism = totalitarianism = BAD whereas democracy capitalism = GOOD. Actually I’d agree that we used socialism to stop fascism, but only in the sense that the wartime politics and economics of both the US and UK operated on a basis that was way closer to socialism than anything either country has hadbefore or since.”
Yeah, that was the entire point of the post. For Sweden and I have a four year relationship where we make fun of the the political sympathies of ill informed Americans. We also make fun of ASU.
Guns Germs and Steel was actually recommended to me by my “History of Russia” professor when I was getting my BS. I’m a bit of a weirdo. BS in health sciences with a minor in history and about to get an MS in environmental resource manage
You’re obviously more informed than the average idiot, but it’s always important to pay attention to the nuance. Society like to only see boogie men like Hitler and Stalin, and fail to realize when democracy allows totalitarianism to creep in. Especially important in todays climate.
![]() 04/08/2020 at 23:10 |
For Sweden and I have a four year relationship....
A lways h elps to kn ow the history :-)
I’m a bit of a weirdo.
Me I’m straight-up vanilla in an educa t ional sense: engineering with more engineer ing and then some added engineering. But I read broadly and I hang out with a bunch of highly educa t ed people from a broad range of disciplines: almost all my friends are people I met in off-campus activities at college way back when (w hich also means that while I can find you a paleontolo gist, a medievalist , or a molecular biologist at the drop of a hat, I don’t kn ow anybody actually useful, like a plumber ) . S o my general knowledge is a fair bit ahead of the avera g e idiot. Which doesn’t mean I can’t be a non-average idiot at times, of course.
Especially important in todays climate.
![]() 04/08/2020 at 23:38 |
Sadly,Chief Justice John Roberts and Citizens United put an end to those hopes.
![]() 04/09/2020 at 10:53 |
It would be smart.
![]() 04/09/2020 at 10:56 |
Yeah I forgot about that during the initial post.
Bernie could be Health and Human Services. That would help bring the dems together on healthcare which is an important party pillar.
He’s probably also do fine as HUD